Everyone could use some extra cash, that is for sure. It does not matter whether it is $300 a month or $10,000. Well, car advertising will not get you $10,000 a month, but you can easily earn some extra $400 every 30 days by doing it.
What is this all about? Well, it is well known that companies that offer services or products in exchange for money need to be popular to have a profit. And they figured that profit comes quicker even you invest. That is why there are companies which pay regular people to have their cars wrapped in advertisements and continue driving as they normally do.
In order to be eligible for this kind of programs, you must be at least 18 years old, have a drivers license and, optionally, a car. I say "optionally" because you do not to have to advertise with your own car. Most car advertising companies will actually give away free cars already wrapped in advertisements, but there will be no monthly payment. All you will have to worry about is car insurance and gas money.
What's the catch? In order to be accepted by such companies and earn hundreds (or even thousands, up to $3200) of dollars a month, you must use the advertising car as your primary one and make sure it gets some real exposure. You cannot drive it 10 kilometers a month and park it in your garage. In this case, even if you do get accepted by a company, you will not be able to earn a decent amount of money every month (you will probably get $100 a month or less).
If you want to find out more about car advertising and how you can get paid too, you could either go read the original article, Ads on Cars, or the main website, Ads on Cars.