Advertise on Car

Advertising on car is something I ran into about 5 months ago, while searching for new methods to make some extra cash. I am currently a college student and making some extra money is very desirable, as I am constantly asked to buy new school books. Nowadays, I make an extra $700 a month for advertising on my car.

In order to be able to get a monthly check from car advertising companies, you need to be at least 18 years old, have a drivers license and a running car. In case you don't own a car, some companies will even give you a free one, already wrapped in advertisements (but you will not be able to get payed real money).

Making more and more money is very desirable for any company in the world and they figured that investing in car advertising is a good way to do it. For instance, if they pay you $1000 a month and one person who saw their advertisement on you car chooses to buy from them a product worth $2000, they are in profit.

Unfortunately, not all the grass is green, so there will always be people out there trying to make money on others' backs, giving nothing in exchange. This is called scam, and by now the Internet is saturated with this sort of websites. There are a few things you can do to avoid getting ripped off by such companies:

- look for a contact form (if you cannot find one, it is most probably scam)
- check the registration fee (everything above $50 is exagerated and probably scam)
- find out what type of cars they provide (no one will give offer you a Ferrari, excepting scam companies)

If you want to find out more about car advertising and how you can get paid too, you could either go read the original article, Advertise on Car, or the main website, Advertise on Car.