When it comes to making some extra money, many people would do about anything. An easy way to make some extra cash every month is to advertise on your own car and get paid for doing so. What you basically need to do is to have your car wrapped in an advertisement and simply continue driving as you usually do.
Another option that's available is getting a free new car from advertising companies, already wrapped in advertisements. All you will have to worry about after that is car insurance and gas money.
What is the catch? Well, in order to benefit from this offer, companies usually require a minimum distance to be driven every month (about 200 or 300 miles, depending on the company you work for), so that their advertisement will get a lot of exposure. As well, in order to get paid by such companies, you must not park your car where it cannot be seen by other people.
When choosing a company to work for, you must be very careful not to get involved with scam websites. You can easily recognize such companies by the incredible promises they make. No serious company will ever give away a free Lamborghini or Mercedes, as well as no serious company will never pay you $5,000 a month to have your car wrapped in advertisements.
The average salary you can get for wrapping your car is about $400 - $600 every month, depending on the type of car you drive, the average distance which is driven every month and the size of the advertisement you choose to put on. Of course, truck drivers that choose to have their entire car wrapped in advertisements make the most money, usually up to $2000 a month.
For more free information about car advertising and how you can get paid to advertise on your car, make sure you read Who will Pay Me to Advertise on Car.
If you want to find out more about car advertising and how you can get paid too, you could either go read the original article, Advertise on Your Car For Cash, or the main website, Advertise on Your Car For Cash.