You have probably heard of people making extra cash every month by simply driving their car as they usually do, or people who got a brand new car for free. Well, even if you didn’t hear about such people, they exist, and what they do is called “car advertising”.
For instance, if you are a person who wants to buy a new car, but you don’t have the money to do so, there are companies who will be glad to offer you a free new car, with advertisements on, and let you drive it for anywhere between 2 and 5 years (depending on the company). After the contract expires, you can choose another car you want to drive, and so on. For free! All you will have to worry about is gas money!
Another choice you have is getting paid up to $3200 a month for driving your own car, with advertisements on it. The average monthly sum of money people get is $400 - $600, depending on the type of car they drive. It may not seem much, but think of all the things you could do with this extra money! And the most important thing is that you practically don’t do anything other than you usually do, so you have nothing to lose!
There are a few ways in which you can find “advertising on car” companies to pay you, but the most practical one is to sign up with specialized websites that will help you find the best deals out there. Why get paid $200 a month by one company when you can get paid $600 with another one? Why get a small ugly car from one advertiser when you can choose from more than 100,000 brand new beautiful cars offered by another company?
If you are interested in car advertising and want to find out how you can make the best of this opportunity, make sure you visit and bookmark Paid-for-Driving.
If you want to find out more about car advertising and how you can get paid too, you could either go read the original article, Advertising on Cars, or the main website, Advertising on Cars.